
  1. Evaluating and estimating environmental benefits provided by land as biophysical outcomes (CO2  tons, quantity of agricultural crops, tons of timber, tons of filtered water, etc.);
  2. Biophysical amounts of ecosystem functions of land, estimated by means of action 1, will be used to evaluate and estimate, financially, the environmental benefits provided by land; moreover, this data will be added to the simulation software;
  3. Creating a computer tool which is able to simulate and evaluate environmental losses, caused by artificial use of land, and estimating the costs to the community;
  4. Testing of the simulator functions, conceived in action 3, by applying it on Land-use planning, which is in force in Turin, in addition to the related quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the environmental effects of reserved land-use, which is waterproofed according to the Land-use planning in force;
  5. Research and implementation of tools and actions aimed at facilitating the land-use restriction and the resulting achievement of PTC2 goals (Turin Land-planning coordination);
  6. Outcomes’ report and publishing.

The project…